Sunday, November 19, 2006

ECPI - Communication 110


We'll try this out and see how it goes. Let me know if you have any problems using this Blog for your coursework. Some of you have completed your first assignment (500 word essay, "What do you hope to gain from this course?") Please click on "comment" below and post your response here. Even if you have already e-mailed it, please post here as well.

Jason D. Grant


Anonymous said...

Daniel Day


What do I hope to gain from this course?

This course is designed with specific objectives. So far in this course I’ve learned the basic principles of speech and communications. It seems the universals of communications and dimensions of context all help quantify communications as a whole, and that’s what I find most interesting. I am looking forward to exploring the ability to comprehend human nature through speech and language.

As we dive into a course emphasizing public speaking, I already have a couple hesitations. I fear my ideas won’t be accepted. I also feel I need to overcome communications apprehension in large group settings. I’ve briefly glanced over the syllabus and discovered several topics including “Explain listening and perception as they pertain to public speaking,” and “… guidelines for developing and using visual aids in public speaking.” I will embrace these topics and do my best at becoming more knowledgeable and comfortable with communicating with large groups.

Aside from public speaking, I am very intrigued by learning about interpersonal communications and how they are applied to an intimate relationship. In my past relationships I’ve been told that I’m not the most emotionally open person. Looking back, I see that I have been quite distant and closed off emotionally. I attribute this characteristic to my inability to communicate effectively. In addition, I feel a broader knowledge of how to cultivate interpersonal skills will help me become more successful at making friends. Through this course, I look forward to improving these areas of my life.

Over the past few years, I’ve never been able to communicate to people of authority well, as I believed submission was the preferred role of a worker. After reading and learning about communications and its transactional nature, I find communicating can be quite in depth and complex.

I am excited about the lesson “Why don’t you understand? What’s wrong with you?” My first impression was this course is about dealing with people who possess poor communication skills. I feel that I will definitely benefit from this section as poor communication is a problem in my household. Another great benefit of this course will be improving communication with my son. In previous chapters (1 and 2) we discussed communication between parent and child. I would like to elaborate on this subject.

Upon completing all of the course objectives in the syllabus, I feel I will have definitely enhanced my communication skills. From communicating my needs and wants to my girlfriend to just making new friends, I believe all of these areas of my life will improve.

Anonymous said...

Mafudia Pekanyande
COM 110 /Grant
500 Word Essay
Monday, November 20, 2006

When I first found out that I needed to take this class I thought it was going to be easy breezy and a piece of cake. I'm not really a shy person and I don't get highstrung about talking in front of people so I figured it would be no big deal. But now I realize it takes more than just confidence and a positive attitude to be a great, or at least a good public speaker; and that is what I hope to gain from this course. I hope to gain the knowledge on what qualities I need to work on and how I can enhance the characteristics that I already do have. I know that already have the self-confidence but I want to learn my negatives and want I need to work on.
One thing I know I need to work on is the way I talk. I have always been a fast talker and it seems to get worse when I get in front of a crowd that I am not comfortable with. I don't have problem with getting extremely nervouse like some people do but I do have a problem with rushing through my presentation and just trying to get it over with. So I need to work on taking it slow so that people can understand and actually learn on whatever subject I am talking about. Talking to fast is one of the things I already know that I need to work on but there is probably more that I overlook and thats why I think its a good idea that our classmates critique us after our speeches. I hope to learn from all my critiques, the negatives and the positives. I also learn by watching other people on thier qualities and negatives.
I think the hardest part about talking in front of a large group of people is having the entire audiences attention from beggining to the end. No one likes to give a boring drawn out speech and the audience diffenetly does not want to sit through a boring speech, so it would be nice to learn different techniques to gain attention and maintain it throughout my speech. Also sometimes you have to talk about things assighned to you that you have no pasion for at all and its hard to find a way to relate to it, and that makes it even more difficult to help your audience relate it the topic as well. I like for my speeches to not only be interesting but I want it to leave an impact on my audience. I want them to remember my speech even a couple days after and to stand out from all the rest. So hopefully I can learn things I need to work on and make all the positive qualities in me even beter.

Anonymous said...

Abdiaziz Ahmed

Jason D. Grant

November 20, 2006

What I expect to gain from COM110
I think COM 110 is a very important class for several reasons. No matter what your major or area (s) of interest, everyone needs to know how to communicate effectively with the people around them. This includes knowing how to speak in public, whether it is giving a presentation or reading a speech, knowing how to read people by their body language and expressions, and most importantly, knowing how to combine both of these skills in order to get your point across.
These skills are especially important in the field of Criminal Justice. In order to be effective as a police officer, a CIA/FBI agent, or even a security officer, you need to be able to speak to and understand the people around you. Many people in law enforcement and in government agencies depend on their ability to read people in order to fulfill their job duties. For instance, an interrogator needs to be able to tell if someone is lying, and unless they know how to read a persons body language and pick up on their un-audible signals, they won’t be able to so. After this class I hope to be able to understand human behavior a little better as it relates to communication. For instance, when a person is lying, do they shift their eyes, tap their fingers on the desk, crack their knuckles, etc?
While it is important to be able to read and understand a person’s body language, it is also important to be able to effectively communicative with that person. Through COM 110, I am hoping to learn not only how to be able to give a presentation or a speech I also want to learn how to “talk” to people on their level. Eventually I would like to work for the FBI or homeland security, and I need to be able to know what to say to someone and how to say it in order to connect with them. By knowing how to do this, I will be able to gain their trust and hopefully get the necessary information from them.
While communication is necessary in the line of work I want to do, it is also important in everyday life. A person, no matter what their education level, job, or background needs to know how to talk with people from every walk of life. In order to survive in today’s society, you need to be able to mix with all kinds of races, cultures, and religions, and knowing how to communicate will help you understand and dialogue better with everyone.
All in all, I am hoping to take away three basic things from COM 110. First, be able to better understand the body language of people around me, weather it is how they react to a question or how they relate to the people around them. Secondly, I want to improve my communication with others, by learning communication that is universal, and accepted by all races & cultures. Finally, I hope to be able to overcome my fear of public speaking, by learning different presentation techniques.

Anonymous said...

“What do you hope to gain from this course?”

Nina Page

The fear of standing up in front of a group of people has been a fear of mine ever since I was in fourth grade. I remember that every month we had to do a book talk. This was when you read a book and then you stood in front of the class and told the class about the book that you read. I used to hate doing this, I would get nervous ever time. I used to try to wait until I was one of the last people to present my book because I tried to avoid having to present my presentation. So ever since the fourth grade I had I fear of standing in front of people. I don’t get nervous when I am in front of people with a group it is only when I am in front of people by myself. I know that people can tell that I am nervous and that makes me even more nervous. I have a problem that because I am nervous when I talk in front of people I tend to talk very fast where I mess up my words. It suddenly becomes very hard for me to pronounce words that I would usually have no problem pronouncing. So overall I talk very fast because I am trying to hurry up to get done as quick as possible and it is very hard for my viewers to understand what I am talking about. Before a presentation I always get butterflies in my stomach, which makes it even more uncomfortable when I am in front of people trying to present. I have never been able to overcome this fear even though I have had to get up in front of people numerous times since the fourth grade, I still get very nervous. I believe that this flaw that I have has affected my grades throughout my school years because I don’t grade very highly when it comes to my speech presentations. So from this class I want to gain a lot. I know that this class is only five weeks so; I don’t plan to be a prefect speech teller when I am done but hope to have improved somewhat. I want to be able to gain the confidence so that I don’t get so nervous when I know that I have to talk in front of a group of people. I want to be able to control my talking so I don’t talk so fast. Also I want to be able to control my flow of speech so that I am able to pronounce all of my words so that my audience understands when I am talking. So I am hoping that this class can give me the tools and knowledge to help me improve my public speaking. I know that this class is not going to make me a prefect public speaking but I definitely want to have improved somewhat by the time I finish this course. So I am hoping that this class will be able to help me.

Anonymous said...

What I hope to gain from this course.
I am fairly certain that this class will help me hone my communication skills to help me in the work place. I hope it will make me feel more comfortable when speaking to larger groups. Also I think this class could help me develop better body language to help keep my audience captivated. A good grade will also be in my sights as I don’t want this class to drop my grade point average. Making some new friends should also be fairly easy in a big communication class. Overall I am looking for an exciting class.

I do not get stressed and worried when I have to speak in front of large groups of people, but I also know there is a very large margin of improvement that I hope to improve on. I don’t tend to think of the target audience when I write or when I give my presentation. I hope to learn how to realize how to relate the audience and keep their view in mind as I speak. I desperately need to learn good posture when I am giving a presentation. I need to find something to do with my hands as I sometimes find myself tapping them and being distractive to my presentation. I am hoping my eye contact with the audience will become more natural. I think the most beneficial part of this class will be in helping my overall presentation flow almost seamlessly.

Some of the easier things I am hoping to gain from this course are better work habits. I think if I work hard and get all my assignments done on schedule. If I achieve this goal then I shouldn’t have a problem earning an A for this course. I plan to make a few more friends in this course as the course progresses. We should really be able to get to know our whole class by their speeches as they will most likely relate or be important to the speakers. The group presentations will also help my cooperation and task management skills.

Jason seems to be a good instructor and seems to be very good with explaining and relating the terminology to examples. I am sure to gain a more extensive vocabulary and understanding of what it takes to be a good speaker. Even though this class feels boring at times, overall I am enjoying this class. I am anxious to give my first speech and see how I rank up with my fellow students. I am ready to try to get the most that I can out of this class. With a positive attitude I am sure the whole class as a whole will succeed.

Brad Crowder

Anonymous said...

Todd Garber
"what do i hope to gain from this course?"

What i would like to gain from this class would be how to make good arguments and present them with a good speech.
I think this would help not only in the work place but also in everyday life. I would like to be more persuasive in my arguments
and say what i am thinking, because a lot of time i have trouble putting my thoughts into words.
If you know a lot about a certain subject then your probably are gonna already have a good argument, but if you don't know as much
as you would like at the time of the argument, then i think this class could help you at least sound like what you are saying could be
true or that you might have a valid point. If you are good at persuading by getting the other person or persons that you
are having the argument with to at least see where your point or your side of the argument is coming from then thats
just as good as wining an argument.
Another thing that i think i could gain from this class would be how to manage my conversations better.Sometime when i am
having a normal conversation i will jump from subject to subject with out finishing my original topic.
I would aslo like to learn more about how to make my style and delivery better. If someone has a good delivery in any
speech they are giving then more people would pay attention to what she or he had to say. If someones style and delivery
is good they will also be able to have better arguments and have the group understand there side of the argument.
Another thing i would like to learn from this class would be how to be a better listener. Sometimes i have trouble listening
to a certain subject and paying attention. I'm not sure if this class can help me pay attention better, but maybe their is a way to
to help learn more from what the speaker is trying to say.
These are the things i hope to learn from this class. There is gonna be alot more i get out of this class and i hope it will help in the work
field or just in life. Speech and communication is a everyday thing, and you can not get away from it. So its probably a good idea that
anyone who has a chance to take a class like this should it will help in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Cornwell

What I hope to gain from this course

I feel that many people can benefit from this class because interpersonal communication is a very important part of a work environment. In order for the work environment to run smoothly, everyone must be able to communicate properly and efficiently. Without communication businesses would be unable to operate. Its also important during the interview process because not only will they be looking at your job qualifications towards the job you're applying for, they will be looking at your communication skills as well.

Many people who do not have good communication skills tend to get very nervous during interviews. As a result, they often do not reach their goals and get the job that they desire to have. People who do have good communication skills, on the other hand, do very well in interviews because they are comfortable and confident that they will get the job because they are able to communicate well. People with good communication skills have a much better chance of reaching their goals than someone who has poor communication skills.

I will benefit from this class because I feel that my communication skills could be better than they currently are. In the competitive field of work I am planning to work in, good communication skills are an essential part of getting ahead. I will also benefit from this class because I have always been afraid to speak in front of an audience. When I was younger I was even afraid of talking face to face with people I did not know. Although I've since overcome that fear, I still get nervous in interviews and speaking to a group of people. With good communication skills I will feel more confident in myself and will have a much better chance to reach my goals.

There are many things I can improve on such as making eye contact with the person or group of people that I'm speaking to, speaking loudly and clearly, and having more confidence in myself while I'm speaking. All these are essential in having good communication skills and I believe that this class will help me reach my goal to have good communication skills. While there are many skills needed to get a good job, communication skills are very important and I feel that once I complete this course my communication skills will be greatly improved.

Anonymous said...

What do I hope to get from this speech class?
Jeremy Fletcher

Speech being apart of everyday life I do seem to forget at times on how it applies to me. Looking back at my past I do now see where there has been a major use of presenting a speech to those I have worked with as well lived with.
What I am looking for out of this class is a better understanding about what speech is and a better understanding on how to be a better speaker in the future to come. For getting the basic tool and understandings of how it works is going to benefit me the most. After high school I joined the navy. This is where I really got put on the spot about doing public speaking. This started for by going a marine corp. base where the boot camp is conducted. It is here were I would stand in front of 125 new recruits and give them the speech about hydration, health issues and so on. This has taught me to feel confident in myself whether with friends and family or at a podium looking out across a crowd of listeners.
As time progresses on and I am out of the service, I see that with give a speech is still a strong factor in my life. Here at ECPI I have given a few speeches for classes over topics pertaining to varies topics. The most difficult one to me was to do a speech about me from my resume. This of course was done to improve our interview skills pointing out on how we present ourselves. This I took with me to my latest job interview and here I am today working for the very same company. Knowing that being confident about who you are and what you are capable of is what I feel has put me in the position that I am in. that is working in my field of study before I have graduated.
So, for me this class is a key to my success for I know that anywhere I go for what ever reason I am going to have to present myself to someone or some group and provide them with a speech or presentation of some sort. Knowing how to make a strong impact is always going to leave a mark. For myself I hope that it is going to be one with positive results, mainly a bigger paycheck leading to a much better life.
This comes to the conclusion to what I hope to get from the class from this class. I hope that I did not bore anyone with how I relate to this topic. Till next time a have a happy Thanksgiving and see you all on Monday.

KRIS said...

Kristine Shirley

November 16, 2006


What do you hope to gain from this course?

I have always dreaded public speaking. It has been the cause of many set backs in my life stemming all the way back to elementary school. I ran for class president in the fourth grade, I had a perfect speech filled with fun jokes and new ideas. I was very prepared for my big moment. However, when the day came to give the speech I became so nervous that got very sick and was sent home. All the planning I did, went to waste I was so disappointed. I know now that it was because I was too afraid to get up in front of all those people and talk.

Then I went to middle school I tried to put the entire experience behind me and start fresh. Then the first day of my debate class we all had to stand up and give an introductory speech describing ourselves. When it finally became my turn to go up to the podium I opened my mouth to begin my speech and the next thing I knew I was lying on my back with a hand full of people surrounding me asking if I was OK. Needless to say I dropped that class. I did not try out for anything else in my middle school years other then band where I sat in the very back behind twenty-two other clarinets. There was so much more that I wanted to do and experience but because of my fear of standing up and talking I missed out on a lot

In high school, I was determined to put it all in the past I attempted new things such as cheerleading where I became a varsity cheerleader. I really loved being a cheerleader, but even with cheering I never had to cheer alone. The same could be said with my school choir because I never had to sing alone so I was OK. During my tenth grade year I tried out and got the lead role in an upcoming play, “Alice in Wonderland.” It was very easy for me to rehears because all the people that were in the play were close friends of mine. I made it all they way to opening night. I was the second person to go on stage. I walked out onto the stage and looked at all those people out in the audience, and when I got to the end of the stage where I was supposed to say my first line, I fainted again and fell into the orchestra pit. I awoke seconds later to laughter and people asking if I was alright. Yet again, I not only wanted to transfer schools but I stopped going to drama which I really loved all because of public speaking.

I am older now and often have great ideas that I would love to share with the management at my company but I’m too afraid to do so. Public speaking in any atmosphere scares me to death. I hope that this class will able me too get over my terrifying fear of speaking in public. I also hope that the tools I will learn from this class will help me to not only put my thoughts together more accurately but also help me become more professional when I have to speak not just at work or class but anywhere.

KRIS said...

Kristine Shirley

November 16, 2006


What do you hope to gain from this course?

I have always dreaded public speaking. It has been the cause of many set backs in my life stemming all the way back to elementary school. I ran for class president in the fourth grade, I had a perfect speech filled with fun jokes and new ideas. I was very prepared for my big moment. However, when the day came to give the speech I became so nervous that got very sick and was sent home. All the planning I did, went to waste I was so disappointed. I know now that it was because I was too afraid to get up in front of all those people and talk.

Then I went to middle school I tried to put the entire experience behind me and start fresh. Then the first day of my debate class we all had to stand up and give an introductory speech describing ourselves. When it finally became my turn to go up to the podium I opened my mouth to begin my speech and the next thing I knew I was lying on my back with a hand full of people surrounding me asking if I was OK. Needless to say I dropped that class. I did not try out for anything else in my middle school years other then band where I sat in the very back behind twenty-two other clarinets. There was so much more that I wanted to do and experience but because of my fear of standing up and talking I missed out on a lot

In high school, I was determined to put it all in the past I attempted new things such as cheerleading where I became a varsity cheerleader. I really loved being a cheerleader, but even with cheering I never had to cheer alone. The same could be said with my school choir because I never had to sing alone so I was OK. During my tenth grade year I tried out and got the lead role in an upcoming play, “Alice in Wonderland.” It was very easy for me to rehears because all the people that were in the play were close friends of mine. I made it all they way to opening night. I was the second person to go on stage. I walked out onto the stage and looked at all those people out in the audience, and when I got to the end of the stage where I was supposed to say my first line, I fainted again and fell into the orchestra pit. I awoke seconds later to laughter and people asking if I was alright. Yet again, I not only wanted to transfer schools but I stopped going to drama which I really loved all because of public speaking.

I am older now and often have great ideas that I would love to share with the management at my company but I’m too afraid to do so. Public speaking in any atmosphere scares me to death. I hope that this class will able me too get over my terrifying fear of speaking in public. I also hope that the tools I will learn from this class will help me to not only put my thoughts together more accurately but also help me become more professional when I have to speak not just at work or class but anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Joe Funderberg
500 word essay

I hope to learn a lot of valuable information from this speech class that will help me to succeed in my future work environment. I have had some previous experience giving speeches but it has been a long time since I stood up in front of a lot of people and gave a speech. I hope that this class will help me to feel more comfortable speaking in front of a bunch of people that I really do not know. I happen to be a fairly intelligent writer and love to write/type essays and short stories.
I cannot say that I look forward to giving a five-minute speech in this class, but I will not be shy about it. I already know that the areas I will need to monitor while giving my speeches include speaking louder and raising my pitch. I typically speak fairly soft and with a deep voice so I am often asked to repeat myself. I also seem to mumble a lot and would like to eliminate that. I plan on making some of the adjustments that you talked about in class yesterday in order to give a presentable speech.
A few other areas that I would like to improve when it comes to giving a speech, or talking in front of people I am not familiar with include having a good presence and staying on topic. I also hope that when I talk in front of other people that I can keep the speech or discussion interesting and not bore my audience.
I hope that this class also helps me in terms of confidence and controlling my volume and tone in both my workplace and in my everyday activities. It seems like Mr Grant knows what he's talking about and I believe that as long as I stay awake and come to class everyday that I wont have a problem passing his class. I really am not sure what else I should explain as far as details go. I hope that I will be able to meet the requirements for an above average passing grade and that everyone is somewhat impressed or at lease not unimpressed by my speeches.

Anonymous said...

Jo Webb
November 20, 2006
Jason Grant

What do I hope to gain from this class?

This class so far is a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. There seems to be more to public speaking than I ever thought possible.

Just the suggestion of public speaking makes me feel a little ill. I really hate to admit it. No one likes to take admit for their weaknesses. This is truly one of my biggest fears that I can think of that doesn’t have to do with spiders and snakes and things of that sort.

I had a few to many, if you ask me, horrible life altering experiences with public speaking as a child and young adult to change me forever. Well, hopefully not forever, but for the last oh so many years of my life up to the present. I am totally horrified to do any public speaking. When I stand up in front of an audience, I feel sick at my stomach, my mouth gets so dry that I can hardly talk, my mind goes blank, and sometimes I even feel like I’m going to faint. It is really scary!!! It just looks so easy for some people. They are so lucky, and they don’t even know it. I really admire people who can stand up and speak in front of a room full of people that they don’t even know and give a speech about something, for some people it could be just anything, and they can actually hold everyone’s attention, if not end up selling them something that you know they don’t even need, it totally amazes me. Some people just have that gift for gab, so to speak. Another example would be a typical car salesman. Some of them are good. How they can make you feel like you’re getting such a great deal, when actually you’re not.
I’m going to try to really concentrate on trying to find a way to overcome this fear hopefully without making a fool out of myself. I know I’m going to need all of the help I

can get from who ever are willing to help. This would be a great accomplishment to find out the secret or the way to go about feeling more at ease in the spotlight.
I am fairly good with people, I enjoy talking to people and help out with organizing motorcycle benefit runs, as well as Rolling Thunder on Memorial Day and ABATE functions in Richmond, it’s just a matter of time before I’m going to end up with the microphone tossed to me. I want to know what to do with that microphone when it happens! There’s no sense waiting until it happens, because then I’ll be standing there in awe, not knowing what to do. I would much rather feel a little more confident as to what I should be doing or saying. Who knows maybe I’ll be able to pull it off and fool everybody instead being made a fool of. I believe I’ll have to make that my ultimate goal for this class. To see if I can actually stand up and present a speech without totally freaking out!

Anonymous said...

Carlotta Sommers
November 18, 2006

“What do you hope to gain from this course?”

I hope to gain several things from taking this course. I would like to be able to speak in front of a group of people and feel comfortable and not self-conscious. I want to be able to talk about a topic and express it very well and have my audience feel what I am speaking about. I would like to improve my communication skills, show more self confidence in public speaking situations. I would also like to develop better intrapersonal and interpersonal communication skills. When giving a speech I would like to get rid of saying “um” every other second.
I would like to maintain people’s attention when giving a speech. I hope that the audience that I am speaking to will retain the message that I am giving. I want to be informative and persuasive. I want to be able to overcome being nervous. Taking this class I hope to be able to analyze problems better, think and listen critically, also express my thoughts clearly and fluently. I hope to increase my confidence. I would like for people to get a sense of who I am when I am giving a speech.
I hope to gain these things that will better prepare me for a job in the medical field. Being a Medical Assistant you have to communicate with the doctors and patients, I want to be able to express myself with confidence and. In the medical field you have to show a lot of confidence so your patients will feel comfortable. I hope this class will be able to help me in that area by speaking in public. Taking this class will also help me when I go on job interviews in the future. I will be able to express myself better and explain why I would be the right person for the job that I am applying for. I would like to be able to manage any anxiety that I my show when speaking in front of people.

On a personal level, I want to be able to entertain and generate conversation when I meet people. I would like to communicate better on a social and professional level as well. I know that this is only a five week course, but I hope to get some important information that I can use in the future.

Anonymous said...

Sinclair Brown

As the job market increases in competitiveness, there will be many potential candidates to fill the limited job positions companies have to offer. Companies will only hire the best and most capable candidates who can provide the best benefit to the company’s overall objectives and mission. With this said, I realize the importance of communication and how good communication skills can put me in favor in the eyes of employers and everyone else I interact with.
I hope to gain better communication skills so that I can succeed in any job I apply for. I am looking forward to learning how to write a persuasive speech so that I am able to effectively sell my skills and attributes to an employer during my interview time to help me stand out from the rest of the applicants. I am also hoping to gain better communication skills so that I can effectively explain how I feel towards my loved ones and friends so that they can understand me better. This can ultimately affect my relationships with them and lead to greater satisfaction in life. I also want to learn about the different personality types so that I can know what approach I should take when engaging in conversation with certain people such as taking an aggressive, passive, or assertive approach. By knowing how to talk to someone, I can minimize the chances of arguments, misunderstandings, and many other negative things associated with poor communication. Above all, I want to conquer my fear of public speaking and learn how to decrease my anxiety when speaking in front of a group. I know that public speaking is the greatest fear, next to death, and I realize that I am going to encounter these situations if I want to succeed in the business world, so I should get accommodated to it now.
Aside from increasing my personal communication skills, I want to learn how to research topics and develop speeches. I want to learn different techniques on how to communicate effectively so that my audience will listen to what I have to say. I also want to learn the things I should not do while communicating to people so that I do not annoy them while they are speaking to me. I have a hard time listening to people when they speak to me because my attention span tends to wander elsewhere during the course of the conversation, so I am hoping I can learn a few tips on how to focus on the speaker better so that I retain the information he or she is telling to me. I want to listen to what is said to me and not just hear what is said. I feel this class is vital to how well I learn to interact with my peers, family, bosses, co-workers, pastors, and many more other people and that I can gain valuable insight on the importance of good communication skills. This will not only benefit myself as I gain great communication skills, but people will want to interact with me more because I will be more sociable and will actually begin to listen to what people have to say.

Anonymous said...

Duane Lamb

What are my expectations from this class?

When I first found out that this speech class was mandatory, I asked myself" why would someone seeking an IT degree need to take a course in public speaking?" I'm still trying to figure out the answer to that question. I know communication skills play an important role in my life on a day to day basic but that doesn't mean I have to love taking a class like "Intro to Speech." However, after sitting through the first night of class I could see the benefits in taking a speech class. I can see how it can help enhance my intra/intercommunication skills, seeing that I do have to interact on a daily basis with family, friends and co-workers.

Taking this course will also help me overcome some of the barriers I may encounter while talking to people from diverse backgrounds. Just listening to some of the topics discussed in the lecture on the first day of class helped me realize just how much I can learn from this class. Not only will this class help me recognize those things that might interfere with me getting my message or point across but it can also help make me a more effective communicator. Hopefully after taking this course I'll be able to read verbal and and-verbal cues enabling me to know when I getting the run around or when I'm sending out the wrong message whether it be verbal or non-verbal.

One of the areas I hope this class will help me improve upon is public speaking. I have always hated getting up in front of a group of people and speaking no matter how big or small the group. It seems that when I get up in front of a group of people to speak, my mind just goes blank and I'm left standing there looking like a dullard. Hopefully after taking this class I'll learn to overcome those things that can cause me to experience an anxiety attack.

I guess the ultimate goal at the end of this course is to receive a passing grade but I hope I'll be able to take away more from this course than just a passing grade. Communicating effectively is a very important part of life and taking a course to improve your skills can't always be such a bad thing. I'm a little apprehensive about this course but I hope at the end of it I've become a much better communicator. As that ole saying going " Those things that don't kill you can only make you stronger." I hope that will be the case for me with this course.

Anonymous said...

Agata Plazewska
com 110

What do I hope to gain from this course?

I think that principles of speech are very important, and this class will help me to understand the foundation of communication process. I belive that everybody should be able to speak correctly not only with a group of friends, but also in front of large group of people.
I am a shy person and speech is not my strong site, especialy that English is my second lenguage. After being in United States for almost five years I have learned slowly how to express my self, step by step I have learned new words and how to put them together in to correct sentences. Now my English is pretty good, but I know that I have a long way to go, before my ablility to communicate in English becomes perfect. I hope that thanks to this course I will be able to communicate better, and open my self to public speaking. I think that thanks to the speeches we have to prepare for, the big group project, and your good advise I will be able to gain the confidence and the experience, this will help me to communicate on the job, and in everyday private life.
From this course I hope to gain the cofidance, learn basic about communicatin and knowledge on how to speak propely. I believe that with the right amount of hard work and a lot of practice I will be able to leave this course with the confidence to face the world of public speaking.

paul said...

What I want to gain from this class

Did you ever think that you would have to take a SPEAKING class in a technical school? Yea neither did I. Most people would say, “I already know how to speak,” or “I took English in high school.” But in all actuality speaking is more then just verbal. You can communicate with people in many other ways besides just verbal. I have to take a Principle of speech class now and if I were to get something out of it this is what it would be.
The first thing I would want to get out of this class is a better understanding of how to control or make better gestures. A lot of people make gestures all the time, but they are the things that can change people’s opinions. For example, lets say you and your friend walk into a store and she asked your opinion on something she liked. You can easily say yes I like it or no I don’t. Instead you raise your eyebrows making a face that she might read as ”YUCK.” Your look might have said totally different but to her it meant something else. I want to learn how to control my gestures and make the best one at the right time.
The second thing I would like to learn is how to talk in certain situations. A lot of people think that it is ok to talk how they want wherever they want. That is not the case you can’t go into a job interview calling the boss “dawg” that isn’t going to work. A lot of people curse and swear around little kids, and this should be the first thing to watch out for. Those are little things that everyone knows though. When I say how to talk in certain situations, I mean if I am in a big job presentation. A job presentation is somewhat different because you have big executive bosses, and people that hold you job listening. You can’t be up there mumbling words. You have to learn how to project. If you have not cards you have to learn how to read a while, then look up a while. I am hoping to learn things like that.
Those are some of the things that I as well as most people need to learn. A lot of people don’t know this kind of stuff. I am a young male trying to make it, but I don’t just want to make it. I want to make it to the top and I want to know every little thing I can in order for me to get there. Out of all the things this will be the most important. So, Mr. Grant do your best.

Anonymous said...

What do you hope to gain from speech class?

When I first saw this assignement all I could think of was the only thing I want to get out of speech class, was to get out of speech class.I do have a fear of public speaking,not in the workforce where I have to talk in job meetings, but more where I have to get in front of a crowd and give some sort of speech. For instance, a few years ago I was the best man in my brothers wedding so I had to give a toast during the reception. I was so nervous I almost became sick. I barely even remember giving the toast, but I do remember trembling like Mike J. Fox, and sweating like Patrick Ewing.It wasn't even a very long toast but it seemed to last forever.So,in retrospect, this class is a necessity for me.
Another reason why I need this class is because in high school, when I took this class, the teacher was a buddy's sister and she only made me give two speeches the whole year. I didn't even have to give the final speech. She came up to me and asked if I had already given the final. I of course responded with yes. She said "Oh yeah thats right. I gave you a B, right." And I of course said "yup".So I really never aplied or learned how to give a proper speech.
So back to the original question"What do I hope to gain from speech class?". I guess first and foremost I want to learn how to speak with confidence in front of a group of people.I know I will be nervous, pretty much no matter what, but I would like to at least be able to hide the nerves, or even keep them under control. I think with learning this skill it will boost my confidence in general conversation with strangers, people who are familure to me, the workforce, and of couse the females.
The last thing I want to gain out of this class is learning how to speak properly. My educational backround was a little different then most peoples. I will give you more details on this when I give my first speech. I never had any good teachers, and as you know I cheated my way through high school speech class. I was also in the USN and I am sure everybodys heard the expression "curse like a sailor". And I am also in the constuction field where profanity is the proper way to speek.I also have a hard time relaying thoughts from my head to actually come out of my mouth. I don't know if this class will help that or if its something psychological.
In conclusion, eventhough I really hate this class, I know it will be very benificial to me. Who knows maybe I might actually learn to enjoy it.

Rick Davis

Anonymous said...

What do I hope to gain from this course?

I hope to gain a lot from this course. Being nervous is a big thing for me and everyone else I am sure. I think the bigger the crowd the bigger nerves I have. If I do not know the audience either is a big thing for me. I do not want to have nerves ever speech I give. Maybe turning red in the face, I am not sure if I do but I feel like it so learning something about that would help. Also getting more ideas for speeches is something else I hop to learn more about. Getting different ideas for visual aids also is a big thing. I always like to have something up there with me while giving a speech. Learning something new than just a piece of paper would be interesting to learn about. Also knowing other ways to get prepared for a speech, from other places to get information to how to practice before giving the final speech. How to learn something to help me when I lose my spot or getting off track to much would be something I need to work on in this class. Projecting my voice also but not feel like I am screaming about be something I need to work on. These are all the thing I hope to gain from this course.

Anonymous said...

What do I hope to gain from this course?

I hope to gain a lot from this course. Being nervous is a big thing for me and everyone else I am sure. I think the bigger the crowd the bigger nerves I have. If I do not know the audience either is a big thing for me. I do not want to have nerves ever speech I give. Maybe turning red in the face, I am not sure if I do but I feel like it so learning something about that would help. Also getting more ideas for speeches is something else I hop to learn more about. Getting different ideas for visual aids also is a big thing. I always like to have something up there with me while giving a speech. Learning something new than just a piece of paper would be interesting to learn about. Also knowing other ways to get prepared for a speech, from other places to get information to how to practice before giving the final speech. How to learn something to help me when I lose my spot or getting off track to much would be something I need to work on in this class. Projecting my voice also but not feel like I am screaming about be something I need to work on. These are all the thing I hope to gain from this course.

Morgan Namanny

Frank Chunik said...

Frank Chunik
November 19, 2006
Mr. Grant – Principles of Speech (COM 110)

What I Hope to Gain from This Course

I believe that communication between people is very important, and in some way shape or form, applies to everyone throughout their everyday activities. There are also many benefits that good communication skills might have. One of which, and what I feel is the most appealing, would be the effect it can have on potential career opportunities. Just by possessing the ability to give deliver an organized speech, makes you that much more valuable to an employer, especially in the field I want to go into.

The degree that I have chosen is directed to the electronics field, learning the technical aspect of things. You know getting into all of those electrical components, learning how to build, as well as fixing them when they malfunction. I would hope that after I am established in a position, and know enough about how electronics work I could then revert over to the sales or administrating side of the industry.

In order to do anything in sales everyone knows you must possess a good communication skill-set to be successful. With electrical products you have to explain your product to customers/clients in a detailed, factual format. While doing so you must utilize good communication skills to make sure customers/clients are on the same page and understands what information and dealings are taking place.

I would also consider going over into the administration side of electronics, perhaps play in more of a supervisor or director role. A position such as this would most defiantly require an excellent ability to give speeches to large groups of people all the time. Typically someone in that position is expected speak at annual weekly or monthly production meetings.

In regards to this class, I would like to practice standing up in front of a group and delivering a speech. When it comes to giving a speech, the hardest thing for me is standing up in front of everyone. I get easily nervous being in front of a group of people large or small. I have taken classes in the past to learn how to give speeches, however those classes seemed to focus solely on concepts of speech, and not on actually standing up and delivering.

Another thing I would like to learn from this class is what other ways, besides giving a speech, communication may benefit me in my pursuit of a career, and how I can utilize them. Anything that may help with employment opportunities would be worthwhile for me to learn.

Anonymous said...

Crystal Wharton
Jason Grant

What do you hope to gain from this course?

I hope to learn quite a few things in this course. I can get up in front of people that I know and talk easily, but I have a hard time talking in front of people that I do not know because I am shy when I first meet people and when there is a lot of people that I have to talk in front of. I hope I can become more comfortable doing that in this class because there are a lot of people that I do not know and this class is the biggest class that I have ever been in. While we were going over the syllabus I was looking at the learning objectives and there are a few things on there that I have no idea as to what they are, such as major elements of major communication models, the process of audience analysis, and communication apprehension. I didn’t know what the verbal and nonverbal elements of communication were until our first class so I learned about that already. I am a little hesitant about the speeches that I have to do by myself, but I think I will do ok with the group speech because if I am up there with other people then I do not feel like all eyes are on me so I don’t feel as nervous. I have never done any of the speeches that we are going to do, but I will try my best to do what I can. I think the introductory speech will be introducing ourselves to the class, which seems easy but I am sure it isn’t because you know a lot about yourself but it is hard to put it into words. I have a hard time doing timed speeches so I hope this class will help me manage my time while I am speaking. I talk pretty fast and I know that you have to talk so that everyone can understand you, so I hope I will be able to learn how to talk slower, at least when I am talking in front of the class. I hope that when I do give my speeches that everyone will give comments or suggestions about my speeches so that I can get better. I usually do not study for any quizzes so I hope this class helps me with that because I know that I am going to have to study because I don’t know very much about public speaking. I don’t like to tell people what I think they could improve on, but I hope that I will be able to tell them what they could improve on in a way that doesn’t offend any one. I know that I want to learn a lot of things, and I hope that I do get to learn them all without feeling that I over did it.

Crystal Wharton

Anonymous said...

Joe Klapperich II
Room 213
Principles of Speech

What do I Hope to gain from this course…

By the end of this course, I hope to have improved my quality of communication. As this course is the final class that I need, I wish to complete it with a passing grade in order to continue to pursue my education and finally graduate from ECPI. The first time through speech, I failed the course due to the workload of two online classes. This time around, I know it will be tough, but since this is the only class that I am taking, I believe that I shall do fine.
When it comes to speaking in front of an audience, this course will allow me to better prepare both the outlines for future speeches, but also to recognize the different types of distractions which occur during the course of the speech. Unnecessary movements, use of unnecessary words, such as “Uh” and “Um” are examples of the distractions which are simplistic to pick out. Learning to control these types of distractions enables the speaker to more thoroughly get their message across with less interference and confusion. This is a skill which I hope to acquire over time since it takes lots of practice and patience.
Since the beginning of the class, we have gone over a few of the sections of the textbook. As a class, the lessons that were taught were interesting, and important to the future assignments. Using the terms and definitions, hopefully my communication abilities will improve and my future assignments will also improve. Due to learning about the context which surrounds the communication, and the different ways in which people decode the information which surrounds them give reason to make statements as clear and straight forward as possible by giving power to the words. Speaking in a manner such as this avoids confusion and also makes the message clear. One of the last things in which I would hope to gain from this class, is to better identify the ethics of the audience. With the ability to do this, being the speaker, it would allow me more power to influence / sway the audience into an opinion.

These are a few things in which I would hope to gain from this class. With these points, it would enable me to be a better speaker and also help to get the opinions and points of discussion across using good communication skills. This way the message which is to be portrayed will go across as a straight forward and clear message.

Anonymous said...

Informative speech

Generic Drugs Are Just As Good As Brand Name Drugs

Generic Drugs

November 29, 2006

C. Summarize the main idea of your speech. Quickly state your three main points
a) These drugs’ have the same active ingredience as there brand name counter parts.
B. In a drug store you will see many of the generic drugs on the shelves next to the brand name drugs costing dollars less.

1. The reason
2. On the File menu, point to Send To, and then click Microsoft PowerPoint.
C. Many people do not pick the generic drugs just because the name is different even though it is the same thing

C. Brand name drugs or generic drugs they both do what you need them to do. Both brand and generic drugs are the same ( still not finished)

---------------KRISTINE SHIRLEY-----------------------------------------------------------------

Anonymous said...

Claudia Cruz
Informative Speech Outline
J. Grant


SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform the audience of the three different types of Spina Bifida, the signs and symptoms, and how to prevent it.
THESIS: There are three types of Spina Bifida.


I. How many know what Spina Bifida is?
A. It is a deformity in which someone is born with an opening in the spine.
B. The spine sometimes doesn’t develop while in the womb.
II. What can happen when there’s an opening in the spine?
A. How it happens—nerves along with skin tissue protrude out of the spine ( will have more info)
B. Hydrocephalus (doing more research on this disease)
1. Way to treat hydrocephalus—explanation of a shunt.
2. Shunt complications
III. There are three different types of Spina Bifida
A. Spina Bifida Occulta.
B. Meningocele.
C. Myelomeningocele.
[Now that you know what the threes types of Spina Bifida are, I will explain to you in detail about each type.]
I. Spina Bifida Occulta
A. This is the mildest form.
1. The baby’s back is covered by muscle and skin and the spine is almost completely normal.
2. Most of the time goes unnoticed—problems may or may not occur.
[While Spina Bifida Occulta is the mildest form it happens. It is estimated that between 5% - 10% of people have it. This form isn’t as common as well as Meningocele isn’t as common.]
II. Meningocele
A. Least common form
1. still doing research
2. Usually little disability occurs.
[The last type of Spina Bifida is the most common and can be very severe.]
III. Myelomeningocele
A. Most common and the most dangerous.
1. explaination of what happens
2. how hydrocephalus occurs in these people more.

Anonymous said...

Alicia Clark

What I hope to gain from this Class

I hope to learn new skills when talking in front of people, I do not feel like I am a shy person but when I get in front of other people to speak about something serious I become very nervous and often forget what I need to speak about. I sometimes say words backwards and become very flushed or at least I feel like my face is very warm. I also would like to feel more comfortable with giving eye contact during speeches without feeling awkward or forgetting what I am going to say next, I really hope to gain that confidence. I also hope to gain a better understanding on what speech to give to which crowd and how to find out that before giving that speech. I also hope to further my vocabulary when writing and giving a speech. I would like to get a better understanding of the different types of speeches that can be given and when to use them. I would also like to find my strengths in speech giving, and where I can utilize those strengths better in front of others when I’m talking. When giving a speech I would like to know the acceptable and unacceptable things to do, when to use visual aides and would not to use them, or using outlines to get the point across when giving the speech.

Anonymous said...

“What do I hope to gain from this course?”

What I hope to gain from the Principles of Speech class is to get over my fear of speaking in front of people. I know I will always have this fear, but I would just like to feel comfortable in front of my fellow students. I also hope to gain skills that will help me get and keep my fellow students attention when I am giving a speech, learn how to cite my work so I do not plagiarize myself, and learn how to use a specific level of tone that fits my surrounding areas. I also want to learn to be a team player when I am in a group, listen to and accept constructive criticism from other students. I want to learn how to deal with conflicts in an ethical way. Learn how to give feedback in a way that does not hurt another fellow students feeling. I want to learn how to speak clearly so I do not confuse myself or my listener, and I want to learn how to stay on topic (Maxim of relation) and do not speak around the topic which is known as indirect. I need to know how to keep eye contact with my audience as well as giving eye contact to the speaker. I would also like to learn how to communicate with people so I can use it in the future. What I learn in this class can help improve the person I am.
The most important thing that I wish to learn to stay away from is quitting, and not giving up! If I quit that means I fail myself, and I do not want to do that. As you mentioned in the first class; there are positive aspects for taking classes and you can quit or stick it out, pass, and/or learn from your mistakes. Until you mentioned that I would have been one of the students that would have dropped out. I have a problem with accepting bad grades and wanting to drop the class. You explained to me that you have to learn from your mistakes. You can always put all your effort into something and still fail; this teaches you that you have to find another way to learn the material. So thank you! If I do get a bad grade I can find another way to improve it! That is what I wish to get out of this class.

Anonymous said...

December 7, 2006
COM 110



STATE: Advocates of mathematics’ are stating that children in school now may be receiving too much math.

DATA: Maryland math leaders and teachers alike have meet recently to review the current situation facing the youth. Some scholars have said that because of our approach to math we have allowed our students to fall behind those are Japan and other nations.
This is mainly imparted to our No Child Left Behind mandate. Virginia lists forty-one in “learning expectation” for fourth math students in a statewide Standards of Learning testing Maryland lists sixty-seven in it’s Voluntary state curriculum the state has forty-five standards. To meet these goals teachers feel compelled to teach a different math topic almost everyday. Jonathan Wray has stated that “math was not meant to be taught that way” it has also been stated that the math textbooks have ballooned up drastically publishers have tried to include hundreds of overlapping standards from every sate. One group led by mathematics has argued that children must learn a sequence of basic skills including times table, and some memorization if they are to have a fighting chance in college level math.
WARRANT; Reports have urged teachers to focus on a few key subjects including the base-10 number system, fractions, decimals, geometry, and algebra that form the core of math education in higher achieving nations. Also teachers in the region say that although although math instructions seem strung overall they would welcome a chance to teach fewer topics more in depth. Sue P. White will meet with directors of mathematics’ in D.C. schools for the first District wide discussion of Focal Points she does not know how the system will respond but she agrees with the problem. What lies ahead all agree is a comparison of Focal Points and state math curricula. Critics of math education hope that process will lead some sates to delete entire sections of their lesson plans. Maryland’s math curriculum recommends study of three-dimensional shapes across the elementary grades. The Focal Points document address them chiefly in kindergarten and 5 grade probability is taught throughout the elementary grades in Virginia but focal Points will not introduce the topics until 7th grade when the students are more likely to understand it better. Focal Points are saying teach a few things and teach them well.

Anonymous said...

Kristin Shirley
December 13, 2006
Comm 110

What I thought of the Speech

I reviewed Mike”s speech. He talked about the parts of stress; I liked how he went through what the

different types of stress were how they started off with mild, moderate, and severe stress. I think that he

tried to make the speech light hearted by putting in jokes about women and weddings and though I do not

feel it was the best way to get a laugh I feel that it was a good attempt to get the audience attention. I feel

that he tried to show that weddings were example of stress and he was trying to demonstrate what he

thought to be a degree of severe stress also he put in his speech of ways to treat the different levels of

stress and I think that was good. He gave his own personal experience on how he deals with stress such as

running, surfing and relaxing. I thinks that he could have practiced a little more while he was up there he

really did not give a feel importance more like it was a speech he had to give. Overall however I thought

that he did a good job on his speech he did not go over his time limit he was able to state what his speech

was about give his points and end with his conclusion. I also thought that his transistions from one point

to another were pretty smooth and that he tried to give information that he thought that would be helpful

in everyday life.